Syllabus of Yoga Teachers Training Course

We follow a traditional approach to yoga to enlighten students with the wisdom that yoga system aims to spread in the world. Our methodology aims to cultivate a lifestyle which is in accordance with traditional Indian ethical values. One of the major objectives of this course is to imbibe a healthy daily routine among students and this is the reason for starting the prorgamme every day in the early morning. You may find initially some differences in conception of yoga from your the previous experience in yoga fields, but will acquaint you with the ultimate goals and objectives of traditional Yoga system.

We are not following any specific ‘Type’ of Yoga, which have unfortunately mushroomed all over the world. Our approach (Not the type) is ‘Sankhya-yog’, which aims to integrate yogic theory and physical practices to a maximum possible extent.
The founder of Yoga Maharishi Patanjali prescribed certain rules for humans to follow as a productive member of society and he prescribed a code of conduct that we try to inculcate among students through a systematic understanding of the same. We expect our students to follow this code and later promote the same in society. You may find few basic differences in conception of yoga from your the previous experience in yoga schools located in different socio-economic and cultural settings, but must be willing to adopt according to ultimate goals and objectives of traditional Yoga system.

Certificate and credentials:

with Yoga Alliance, USA to conduct 200, 300 and 500-hour residential hatha yoga teacher training programs. Rishikesh School of Yoga is a non-profit organization (NGO) registered under the Indian Government Societies registration Act, Act 1860. We fully comply with the standards set by Yoga Alliance and students after completing our course can register with it as ‘Registered Yoga Teacher’ (RYT 200) or RYT 500 as per their qualifications.

Course fee, Inclusions and Refund Policy

The Course fee for Yoga teacher training (YTT) including accommodation (Own room with private bathroom) and all Vegetarian meals at our center is 1100 USD per person for groups special concessions are available. Registration amount to be submitted along with the application is USD 200 (non-refundable advance towards the course fee) and remaining fee can be paid on arrival. In case of emergency and other unavoidable circumstances, we may permit students to opt for same course within the period of two year.

Course Content

Shatkarma (Internal body Cleansing activities)

These ancient yogic cleansing techniques are practiced for purification of the body. There are six Shatkarmas in the Hatha tradition. They are used to help clear the body of excess mucus, fat, and bile, and should only be practiced under the guidance of a competent teacher. During the course on special days these Shatkarmas will be demonstrated and taught to participants as after practicing Shatkarma ,one need to have specially very light food and rest for a while.

Asanas (Physical Postures)

There are 84 asanas in the Hatha tradition. These poses are used to steady the body and mind, making the practitioner more energetic, free from disease, and ready for the practice of meditation. These are often the most familiar part of yoga tradition in the modern world.

Pranayamas (Breathing techniques)

These practices utilize breathing to control and influence the flow of vital life force (prana) in the body. Pranayama’s are practiced after asana practice. They should be practiced under the guidance of a competent teacher, as the effects of these techniques on the body can be quite powerful.

Meditation (Dhyan)

Dhyana, or meditation, is the practice of calming the mind and body through controlling the thoughts, calming the senses, and deep concentration. There are many ancient yogic meditation practices, designed to bring the practitioner closer to spiritual awareness and understanding. After knowing different meditation techniques , you can find the most suitable one for yourself to practice regularly.


Mudras are advanced yogic postures/techniques that alter mood, attitude, and perception, thereby deepening awareness and concentration. They have a subtle but powerful effect on energy flow in the body and thus are a good preparation for deeper spiritual practices.


Banda’s are bodily locks that help to redirect the flow of energy in the body. They involve locking the chin, abdomen, and perennial region. As they are an advanced practice, they are best practiced individually under able instruction before being incorporated into other yogic practices.

Sankhya-Yog Philosophy

A successful yoga practice absolutely depends on the understanding of the ancient yoga philosophies as described in these two schools of Indian philosophy. Sankhya explains the eternal principles and yoga teaches the way to achieve the goals prescribed in Sankhya philosophy.

Yoga System (patanjali Sutra)

Yoga - An Introduction to yoga and its basic elements and Different types of yoga - Karma, Bhakti and Jnana and others, Concept of Atman, Consciousness and awareness Yama, Niyama (Principles for a hygienic, regulated and socially acceptable lifestyle and includes Shatkarma), Pranayama (Way of healthy breathing), Pratyahara (Self control), Dharna (contemplation), Dhayan (meditation), Samadhi (State of Bliss)

Sankhya (Wisdom) given by Kapila

Evolution of world due to interaction between Purusha (self ) and Prakarti (Nature). inevitability of understanding distinction between body , mind , Consciousness , Chitta , Ego and Self for progress in spiritual life.

Anatomy& Physiology related to Yoga

It’s important for yoga teachers to understand the movements and composition of the human body, as well as working of the digestive, respiratory, circulatory, and nervous systems. This knowledge will help teachers to address the safety concerns of students and give proper adjustments, while helping students understand the full benefits and limitations of their practice.

Theory of Panch Kosha(Five layers/sheaths believed to be covering Atman)

  • Aannamaya kosha, "foodstuff" sheath (Anna)
  • Pranamaya kosha, "energy" sheath (Prana/apana)
  • Manomaya kosha "mind-stuff" sheath (Manas)
  • Vijnanamaya kosha, "wisdom" sheath (Vijnana)
  • Anandamaya kosha, "bliss" sheath (Ananda)

Anandamaya kosha, "bliss" sheath (Ananda)

Ayurveda literally meaning ‘the science of life’ is an ancient tradition of healing the body through the knowledge of functions of three Gunas (Sattva , Tama and Raja ) on both the internal and external functions. It encompasses nutrition and massage therapy that is practiced to improve the overall well-being of the body and mind.

Teaching methodology for Yoga

Guidance for becoming a successful Yoga teacher, Art of speaking and performing Assanas in a class room setting.

Sheri Bhagvad Gita

This ancient text is one of the most important books for understanding yoga, as it outlines the origins of yoga philosophy as passed down through the centuries. A solid understanding of this scripture is necessary for anyone interested in understanding the yoga traditions. Explanation of Sankhya-yoga Philosophy as described by lord Krishna in ShrimadBhagwadgita.

Calendar of sankhya yoga teacher training course

15 Mar 2022 to 12 April 2022

15 Sep 2022 to 12 Oct 2022

15 Nov 2022 to 12 Dec 2022

15 Feb 2023 to 12 Mar 2023

15 April 2023 to 12 May 2023

15 Nov 2023 to 12 Dec 2023

15 April 2022 to 12 May 2022

15 Oct 2022to 12 Nov 2022

15 Jan 2023 to 12 Feb 2023

15 Mar 2023 to 12 April 2023

15 Sep 2023 to 12 Oct 2023

15 Dec 2023 to 12 Jan 2024