What We Do

We provide quality services to explore different destinations of northern India. Our trips are designed to give travelers an insight into India’s kaleidoscopic diversity envisaged in different aspects of its culture and civilization. Our trips aim at reducing the environmental impacts and bring visitors closer to people and customs of the country. We are committed to achieving Sustainable development Goals (SDGs) in the industry and also provide free consultancy and assistance to our counterparts, competitors as well as suppliers to include sustainability in their business policy. Sustainability in tourism depends on all together performance of different stakeholders working together in providing tourism related services at multiple locations. We provide highly customised services to different segments of tourism like Transport, Hotel, Travel Agents, policy makers etc. We aspire to make the tourism industry as a whole at any destination more sustainable in its approach and operation. We provide guidance, trainings, partnerships and branding support to our clients to make them ambassadors of sustainability in tourism.


Strategic tourism planning at a destination level is quite different at organisational level.

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Transportation sector

According to world Tourism Organisation (WTO) tourism alone accounts for 5 percent of global carbon emissions

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We offer monitoring of entire supply chain used by Tour-operators / Travel Agents operating tours to India

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We provide full range of assistance to Foreign and Indian Developmental organizations (NGOs)

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Hotels / Temples

We offer a range of services for Hotels/Resorts/ Restaurants/Temples to function in Sustainable tourism

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As sustainable tourism is going to be the most important issue within the global tourism in the near future

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The United Nations in 2015 declared an Agenda for sustainable Development to be achieved by 2030.It requested member countries to pursue a set of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that would lead to a better future for all. This Agenda offered a global framework to alleviate extreme poverty, fight inequality and injustice, and address the most compelling challenge of climate change by 2030.

As the 17 SDGs and the corresponding 169 SDG targets offer us a new direction, and tourism can and must play a significant role in delivering sustainable solutions for People, Planet (The Earth), Prosperity and Peace.

Tourism as an economic powerhouse is the third highest world category in export earnings in 2015, representing 10% of world GDP, 30% of services exports and 1 out of every 10 jobs in the world. Tourism has the potential to contribute, directly or indirectly to all of the goals. In particular, it has been included as targets in Goals 8, 12 and 14 on inclusive and sustainable economic growth, sustainable consumption and production (SCP) and the sustainable use of oceans and marine resources, respectively.

Sustainability Agenda

Skill Development – We design courses for unorganized sectors of tourism industry and provide special skills to empower workers through their skill development.

Empowerment – We are working on identification of specific tourism related activities most suitable for woman in Indian conditions.

Human Rights – Tourism is a labour intensive industry and tourism experience is provided by a complex combination of service providers working in different socio-economic setting, where they don’t have much stake in planning and policy making.

We raise voice of service providers and bring their problems to the notice of major industry players and government and intergovernmental bodies to the notice of major industry players and government and intergovernmental bodies.

We are also advocating following issues specially in context of Tourism in India to be a sustainable activity. • Gender Issues – Equality • Fair Wedges • Animal rights • Integrated Environmental Planning • Alternative uses of Tourism resources and Manpower • Reduction of Carbon emission for Tourism sector in India

Our Goals


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